You are carrying seeds of regenerative culture… You are building cool stuff… You are either in the design phase… Or you are actively experimenting with your design… You want to collaborate with others… A support team to help you build this thing… A core team to create a regenerative ecosystem… You’ve learned that doing it by yourself is not regenerative. You might be facing challenges with:- Navigating emotions within yourself and the team - Burnout, discouragement, fatigue - Going in...
3 days ago • 1 min read
You can only be in one of two teams: 1) The looking-good team, or 2) The learning team. You cannot be in both. Learning requires NOT looking good. Imagine trying to learn to play guitar but you're not willing to make mistakes. Learning starts with being with your incompetence. Learning that you are incompetent can be terrifying. It can trigger your box defence mechanisms dedicated to: Maintain the status quo Keep things normal and unchanging Maintain the image you have of yourself Maintain...
4 days ago • 1 min read
Hey, It's Water Day today! You know, I have 3 kids. They… ahem… We... Love the movie Moana. [Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t watched the movie Moana yet, you might want to save this reading for later. Go watch it today and then come back!] Moana is the story of an island girl, daughter of a chief in a prosperous island village. Since she was a kid, Moana was maddly attracted to the ocean. But she’s been told her whole life… —“We got everything they need in the island.” — “We don’t need anything...
7 days ago • 1 min read
I've been trying to source my village for the last 10 years. Sometimes have been more successful than others. Becoming a parent presented the next set of major challenges in sourcing my village. If you're reading this... You are most likely carrying seeds of a Regenerative Village within you. Yet, your seeds need fertile soil to sprout and grow. — Context is to humans what soil is for plants. Your seeds are just waiting for the right context to grow. Modern Culture's context doesn't provide...
7 days ago • 1 min read
Hey, Wishing you a great day and blessings. I'm grateful this morning for being with my family and the delicious waffles with blueberries and cheese eggs Melissa made. I feel sad because I keep hitting a wall in my creations. The wall is made of missed opportunities for love-happening, intimacy and collaboration. The wall keeps me from drinking from the juice of life. Something else is possible! Mainstream consumer culture is not reality. Mainstream culture is another fantasy world. Reality...
9 days ago • 1 min read
Hey! The Growness worktalk yesterday touched on something so foundational for me. Watch the recording here. Lots of great questions came up in the space. Two things came up for me. 1) Mainstream Culture = Consumer Culture = NOT Regenerative 2) What you want to exist in the world is the source of your Growness Consumer Culture is a adolescent, vampiristic, blood-sucking orientation. There are only two industries that call their clients "USERS": Drug dealers and Technology These industries are...
10 days ago • 1 min read
Hey! If this is the first time you're receiving one of my emails: Welcome! I send short, mostly daily emails on Villaging, Feelings, Parenting, Gameworld Building and Relating. These emails are my way of practicing, making myself visible and available for Archetypal forces of nature to move me. To get in touch with me, just hit reply to this email and send your message. If you don't want to receive these messages anymore, just hit unsubscribe. Now, to today's message! Gosh. Time Management is...
11 days ago • 1 min read
Hey, good morning! A short email this morning. I’m writing because I forget. I forget how easily I forget. I forget about the current state of the world. Being quite sheltered in an island west coast of Canada. In a house and small town where I can just forget. I forget that there’s something I want. I forget that there’s something I can do about it. I write because, like me, you might also easily forget. I write to remind myself and to remind you. UBU-BABA-KEIO [This is my daughter's made-up...
13 days ago • 1 min read
Here's what I'm wondering... Who is in control of the context you inhabit? Mainstream culture's context has a purpose. The purpose is basically to survive. From a very early age... → Walls get made. → Defence mechanisms are deployed. → Impenetrable fortresses are built. Then we wonder... How did we end up here? → Isolated from community → Working and being alone → Numbing your feelings → Disconnected from nature → Lost inside of your head → Stuck in unescapable cycles → Displaced from home...
14 days ago • 1 min read