You can stop hiding now

Hey, my weekly support and empowerment team is starting next week. We focus each week on one team member's projects. Reply "teamwork" to this email, and I'll send you the details.

Ok, let's be blunt.

Humans have feelings and emotions.

You can stop hiding now.

Humans are way more irrational and unreasonable than we like to think.

→ The way that we buy stuff...

→ The way we choose our partners...

→ The way we make friends...

→ And just generally the way we make decisions...

These are all massively influenced by our emotions.

So, what if...

Instead of ignoring or denying that you're an emotional being...

What about embracing and full-on facing your emotions?

Sounds scary...?

That's a great start!

Sounds mad!!!?

That's also a great start.

Your feelings and emotions are not a design error.

Your feelings and emotions carry essential information and energy.

Essential to heal and reach the totality of yourself.

Essential to connect with your purpose here and now.

Essential for extraordinary relating.

It's time to play a different game.

A game where we're not hiding, repressing or working against our nature.

A game where you embrace the totality of yourself and your potential.

Let's play!

Love, Jorge

P.S.: I started the Gameworld Builder Training on Monday with 28 other teammates. It's the bomb!
I made a video yesterday with my biggest discovery.

video preview

P.S.2.: I've been writing these emails mostly daily. How are they landing for you? What do you want to hear about? What questions, or challenges are coming up for you? I'd love to hear. Just hit reply and let me know.

Jorge Pedret

I'm a Gameworld Builder who resiliently explores the edges of culture, parenting, relationships, and personal development. Receive my news, updates and events directly in your inbox.

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