Hey, good morning! A short email this morning. I’m writing because I forget. I forget how easily I forget. I forget about the current state of the world. Being quite sheltered in an island west coast of Canada. In a house and small town where I can just forget. I forget that there’s something I want. I forget that there’s something I can do about it. I write because, like me, you might also easily forget. I write to remind myself and to remind you. UBU-BABA-KEIO [This is my daughter's made-up word. I interpreted it as: Go and Play full out!] Love, P.S.: If you want to work with me, want me on your team for getting closer to your feelings, healing, purpose, parenting, communication, villaging, etc… Reply to this email and let me know what you want support with. P.S.2: Worktalk on Growness and introduction to Gameworld Building is happening this Monday 17th from 10 to 11am PDT. P.S.3: Our weekly empowerment and support team to build your projects is starting next week. We need each other to build these things. Collaboration is immensely needed in these times of rapid change. See you there! Have questions? Let me know by replying to this email. I appreciate every response to my emails. A few people have mentioned them to me in person and online and I feel so glad about this! Have a great weekend! |
I'm a Gameworld Builder who resiliently explores the edges of culture, parenting, relationships, and personal development. Receive my news, updates and events directly in your inbox.
Hey, my weekly support and empowerment team is starting next week. We focus each week on one team member's projects. Reply "teamwork" to this email, and I'll send you the details. Ok, let's be blunt. Humans have feelings and emotions. You can stop hiding now. Humans are way more irrational and unreasonable than we like to think. → The way that we buy stuff... → The way we choose our partners... → The way we make friends... → And just generally the way we make decisions... These are all...
You are carrying seeds of regenerative culture… You are building cool stuff… You are either in the design phase… Or you are actively experimenting with your design… You want to collaborate with others… A support team to help you build this thing… A core team to create a regenerative ecosystem… You’ve learned that doing it by yourself is not regenerative. You might be facing challenges with:- Navigating emotions within yourself and the team - Burnout, discouragement, fatigue - Going in...
You can only be in one of two teams: 1) The looking-good team, or 2) The learning team. You cannot be in both. Learning requires NOT looking good. Imagine trying to learn to play guitar but you're not willing to make mistakes. Learning starts with being with your incompetence. Learning that you are incompetent can be terrifying. It can trigger your box defence mechanisms dedicated to: Maintain the status quo Keep things normal and unchanging Maintain the image you have of yourself Maintain...