Remember who you are


It's Water Day today!

You know, I have 3 kids.

They… ahem… We... Love the movie Moana.

[Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t watched the movie Moana yet, you might want to save this reading for later. Go watch it today and then come back!]

Moana is the story of an island girl, daughter of a chief in a prosperous island village.

Since she was a kid, Moana was maddly attracted to the ocean.

But she’s been told her whole life…

—“We got everything they need in the island.”
— “We don’t need anything beyond the reef.”

And this was true for a few generations, until…

The land starts getting sick.
The coconuts are rotten with black mold.
There’s no more fish where they usually fish.
There just seems to be a curse on the land.

Moana proposes to go over the reef.

But the chief says NO.

— “We NEVER go beyond the reef.”

It’s incredible the wisdom in this movie.

This is how many people relate to their feelings.

Most of us have created a “reef” in our feelings body.

A boundary that we cannot cross no matter what.

— “I can only get to 15% sadness, more than that is forbidden.”

No wonder Moana is Angry and determined to do something else about it!

And that's what is needed to go beyond the reef.

Your Conscious Anger.

Remember who you are.

We are built to interact with archetypal forces.

We are made to go 100% all the way.

We are made to feel 100% anger, sadness, fear and joy.

We are voyagers.

Living within the boundaries of 15-20% is not sustainable.

It was never meant to be.

It was a decision we made to survive at one point in the past.


Remember who you are.

At the end of the movie, Moana sings this song to a volcanic 100% enraged giant goddess.

I have crossed the horizon to find you.
I know your name.
They have stolen the heart from inside you.
But that does not define you.
This is not who you are.
You know who you are.
Who you really are.

Let these words and song touch your remembering today.

Love, Jorge

P.S.: It's International Water Day, according to I don't know who, but, oh well.
This documentary landed today in my inbox, and I had the impulse to share it with you.
Water is Love (stream it here)

P.S.2.: Do you want a space to go beyond your "reef"?
Do you want to learn to navigate and stellate your feelings more consciously?
Book a call with me AND join the PM Healing Village on Telegram.

P.S.3: Have you registered for the 5-day, Immersive, Village-Building, Love-Happening, Thoughtware-Upgrading Expand the Box training?
It's in Vancouver, BC, Canada, from May 30 to June 3rd.
See you there!

Jorge Pedret

I'm a Gameworld Builder who resiliently explores the edges of culture, parenting, relationships, and personal development. Receive my news, updates and events directly in your inbox.

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